Dinny Pocock – Bobbin bird

"We'l start with a simple practice
piece, then move on to the bird of
your choice

Dinny Pocock

Needle-felted Bobbin Bird

2 days: 11th-12th August 2025   Fee: £250

Needle-felting is a wonderful ‘kitchen table’ art form – once you’ve learned the skill, it can be done almost anywhere and with very few tools. I so enjoy running workshops; guiding small groups through the process of creating a neat bird from wisps of wool fibres. I’m happy to tutor beginners and more experienced needle-felters alike – indeed, many really lovely pieces have been made by beginners on my workshops. Over the course of this two day workshop, there will be plenty of opportunity for me to give each student individual attention and encouragement as needed.

We’ll start the workshop by needle-felting a simple practice piece to get some skills in hand, then move on to needle-felt a sculptural bird over a simple wire armature, building shape and adding colour with muted un-dyed wools, and with dyed merino. The kind of bird you choose to create is entirely up to you – perhaps a wren, an Indian Runner Duck, a magpie or a robin – any species at all!  If you are new to needle-felting, then a plain coloured bird is easiest, but a more complex bird is certainly doable if you’d rather. 

The finished piece can be mounted on the vintage cotton reel provided, but you’re welcome to bring an alternative ‘plinth’. I describe my work as being made with wool and a touch of humour, and like to pair my needle-felt animals with vintage objects, which often brings an unexpected narrative. 

-------------- Booking opens 24th August! -------------