How to Book

Summer School Terms & Conditions

Booking a place

Fill in and submit the form below. We will check the availability of the workshop(s) you have chosen and send you a PayPal request for the deposit and confirm your booking by email.

Your deposit

We request a deposit at time of booking. This is scaled depending on the full price of your workshop. Please see the guide below:

  • 2-day class full price £250 | deposit £50
  • 3-day class full price £375 | deposit £75
  • 4-day class full price £495 | deposit £100

The first £50 of your deposit will be non-refundable in the event of cancellation as we have administrative commitments to cover. However, you have the chance to cancel within 7 working days of the confirmation of your booking and have a full refund of your deposit.

Balance payment

The balance of the payment for the workshops must be made by May 30th 2025. We will send you another PayPal request just before that time.

The Summer School reserves the right to change the workshop venue should circumstances make this necessary. Participants will be informed in good time.

How to make your payment

We prefer PayPal payment. If you would llike to pay another way, please get in touch for more details. You must confirm with us that your chosen workshop is available before sending any money. Your place will be reserved for 7 days for us to recieve payment.

*NB As we use PayPal please be aware that all refunds will be subject to the small PayPal charge.

Our cancellation policy

If you make a booking please let us know ASAP if you are not going to come, even if you haven’t yet sent the deposit.

If you need to cancel before the end of June 2025

If you are unable to attend, and let us know before 8 weeks of the Summer School start date, and if we can rebook the place, a refund (less the first £50 of your deposit) will be paid. If we cannot rebook, then no refund will be given. We run waiting lists for our classes and will make every effort to rebook the place wherever possible.

If you need to cancel after 29th July 2025

If you need to cancel within two weeks of the start of Summer School, we are sorry but we will not be able to offer a refund.

If the Summer School has to cancel a workshop, an alternative could be offered – if not acceptable, a full refund will be given. In the unlikely circumstance that the whole event has to be cancelled you will receive a full refund*. We are not responsible for any other costs relating to your time with us, eg your travel or accommodation. 

Please make sure you please tick the relevant box on the booking form below to confirm
that you have read and understood our terms and conditions.

Jenny Adin Christie (4 days) 17th Century style Purses 11th-12th, 14th-15th August 2025
Caroline Zoob (2 days) Inspired by Fraktur 11th-12th August 2025
Caroline Zoob (2 days) Bloomsbury Flowers 14th-15th August 2025
Dinny Pocock (2 days) Needle-felted Bobbin Bird 11th-13th August 2025
Dinny Pocock (3 days) Bear Needle-felt Workshop 13th-15th August 2025
Corinne Young (4 days) 3D Flower making 18th-19th, 21st-22nd August 2025
Ali Ferguson (2 days) Stories from the Sewing Box 18th-19th August 2025
Ali Ferguson (2 days) Wonky Patchwork Portraits 21st-22nd August 2025
Anne Kelly (4 days) Family & Friends Caskte Project 18th-19th August 2025
Jenny Adin Christie November 2024 class 11th-12th, 14th-15th November
I accept the terms and conditions laid out above
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2025 Bath Textile Summer School Booking Form

Please fill out the form below, taking care to make sure the box(es) for your preferred classes are ticked

* denotes essential information